2014년 5월 21일 수요일

Tail Bone Pain

Tail Bone Pain
1. Bend forward to stretch the tail bone and anchor the first half strip on the tail bone and tape up along the spine.



MXM Kinesiology Tape Korea

Rib Pain

 Rib Pain
1. Lift the arm over the head to stretch the ribs.  Apply the center of a full strip below the point of pain and apply another full strip parallel to the first strip.
2. Apply the third full strip over the lateral side of the trunk around the pain point.
3. Apply the last full strip parallel to the third tape around the pain point.



MXM Kinesiology Tape Korea

Chest pain

1. Put the hands on the lower back at the back to stretch the chest.  Apply the base of the Y strip at the lateral part of the shoulder and spread two tails toward the chest.
2. Apply the base of another Y strip just outside the first tape base and spread two tails wider than the first strip.



MXM Kinesiology Tape Korea

Lower back pain

-Lower Back
1.   Lean forward to stretch the lower back.
2.   Anchor the middle of a full strip of tape over the point of pain and lay ends down.
3.   Anchor the middle of the second full strip under the first strip and apply ends of tape.



MXM Kinesiology tape Korea

2014년 5월 20일 화요일

Upper Back

Upper Back
1. Apply two half strips crossing each other in X pattern on the upper back.
2. Repeat the same with another two half strips same in X pattern on the opposite back.



MXM Kinesiology tape Korea

Abdomen pain

1. Lean backward to stretch the belly.  Apply a full I strip diagonally below the area of pain and tape over the line of pain.
2. Apply a full I strip of tape next to the first strip and tape along the line of pain.



MXM Kinesiology tape Korea

Sole pain

1. Apply the middle of a half strip of tape over the point of pain behind the toes.
2. Point toes up and anchor a full strip behind the toes and tape down the foot and up the back of the heel.



MXM Kinesiology tape Korea